Youth and Age

1016 Words5 Pages
Essay: If Youth Knew, If Age Could If old and experienced people are eyes and ears of a nation, the youth is their limbs. A young mans energy, enthusiasm, vigor and vitality make him one of the most important cogs in the wheel of development. India is a large nation its population by 1991 census is 833 million. Of this, 55% is the population of people between 18 years and 35 years who can be technically called the youth. The young men of India come from various strata and are engaged in a variety of occupations but all of them have one thing in common their energy and their idealism. It is their uncorrupted mind and unspent strength which can be of immense use in the nation building activities. Nation building is a vast task consisting of varied jobs. All these jobs lead to one goal a more prosperous, clean and safe nation. One of the prerequisites for using youth in the nation building activities is that they are gainfully employed. For this, it becomes important not only to have sufficient and varied employment opportunities but also proper training for them. Another necessary pre-requisite is that the youth is well educated, well fed and healthy and has a personality and individuality of his own. A young man with healthy mind and healthy body is virtually indispensable for the nation. However, all his energy; his idealism is of no use if it is not directed properly. Therefore, it is also important to have enlightened and honest leaders who can channel the energy of the youth in the nation building activities. One of the biggest problems facing India today is illiteracy. Uneducated man is a liability and education is an asset to the nation. So it becomes important to spread the light of learning everywhere. And who is more suitable for this stupendous task than the youth? Young men and women can not only spend their time and energy in teaching others but can act
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