Young People in the Past Are Less Independent to Make Decisions Than Young People Today.

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In the past, young people are limited to handle their own lives since their parents make most of decisions about young people’s lives. However, nowadays, young people have more rights to deal with their lives. Thus, I think young people in the past are less independent to make decisions than young people today. Firstly, with the development of education, more and more parents notice the importance about independence, and give young people equal respection. Thus more and more young people are told by their parents that they need to do things on their own, including making decisions independently. For example, my brother’s parents often leave their son making decisions alone. He decides what instruction he wants to learn by himself rather than follow his parents decision. When he was ten years old, he told his parents that he decided to study piano. His parents respected his decision, and gave him a chance to study piano. What’s more, after he graduated from middle school, he said that he would go to Leshan No.1 high school. Though his parents wanted him to choose a school in Chengdu, they eventually respected his own decision, and sent him to the school he wanted to go. However, in the past, young people had to follow their parents’ decisions because of the inappropriate notion. The second reason I wanted to talk about is that the more and more sophisticated equipments help young people to make decisions more precisely on their own. Televisions, radios and internet give young people a large mount of information in different fields, while parents have limited knowledge on different kinds of things. With the ample and useful information, young people can make better decisions which can be accepted by their parents. Through making more reliable decisions, it will convince parents to let the young make decisions by themselves. On the other hand, information from
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