The genocide in Darfur, Sudan has already caused hundreds of thousands of Darfuris to die and cause more than 2 million people to be homeless. The genocide began in early 2003 when members of two rebel groups revolted against the Sudanese government in Khartoum alleging systematic neglect of the inhabitants of Darfur. The two rebel groups are the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA). The government responded by launching an assault against these two rebel groups. Black Arabs were being discriminated against because they were black and they were being told that they weren't in the right religion.
Political leaders who might have been able to take charge of the situation and other high profile opponents of the Hutu extremist plans were killed immediately. Tutsi and people suspected of being Tutsi were killed in their homes and as they tried to flee at roadblocks set up across the country during the genocide. Entire families were killed at a time. Women were systematically and brutally raped. It is estimated that some 200,000 people participated in the perpetration of the Rwandan genocide.
The process was a very tense disruption that lasted for months. The Sioux tribe was very upset that the whites had come to their land, took over and forced them of their land. The whites also hunted the tribe’s buffalos and they were starting to become extinct. There was call put in to arrest a chief, Sitting Bull, at the Standing Rock Reservation. In the attempt to arrest him, the chief was shot and killed on December 15.
He had a rough relationship with the Natives Americans. He kicks them out of America and formed an ally with the Cherokee Chief. Who soon betrayed Andrew Jackson and went with the British. Jackson fought them in the war of 1812 and thought they were of an inferior race. He burned their towns and crops and killed women and kids.
As a result of European settlement, many populations of Native Americans were brought to near extinction. The hunger for a new and free word had blinded Europeans’ humanity towards the Native Americans that had lived in these lands for hundreds of years from the Atlantic to the Pacific in harmony and respect of their lands. The discovery of gold was of the most important factors that promoted violence against the Native Americans. When gold was discovered in California in 1848 it initiated a large amount of migrant traffic across the North American continent. This large influx of Americans brought more diseases to the Native Americans that devastated their tribes with great number of deaths.
Several colonists were killed and this led to a campaign by speech-writers to rouse the ire of the citizenry. The presence of British troops in the city of Boston was increasingly unwelcome. The riot began when about 50 citizens attacked a British sentinel. A British officer, Captain Thomas Preston, called in additional soldiers, and these too were attacked, so the soldiers fired into the mob, killing 3 on the spot (a black sailor named Crispus Attucks, ropemaker Samuel Gray, and a mariner named James Caldwell), and wounding 8 others, two of whom died later (Samuel Maverick and Patrick Carr). On the evening of March 5, Private Hugh White, a British soldier, stood on guard duty outside the Custom house on King Street, today known as State Street.
Bacon’s Rebellion and Metacom’s War also known as King Philip’s War were two of these conflicts that greatly hurt the relationship between these two peoples. During Metacom’s War multiple towns in the colonies of Plymouth, Massachusetts bay, Rhode Island, and Connecticut were attacked. These attacks left thirteen town completely destroyed and pushed the colonist back toward the east coast. This battle which started in 1675 lasted just about fourteen months and ended in 1676. During Bacon’s Rebellion, we can see where the colonist retaliated against the Native Americans despite the wishes of their
Starting on 23 August 1572 (the eve of the feast of Bartholomew the Apostle) with murders on orders of the king of a group of Huguenot leaders including Coligny, the massacres spread throughout Paris. Lasting several weeks, the massacre extended to other urban centres and the countryside. Modern estimates for the number of dead vary widely between 5,000 and 30,000 in total. The massacre also marked a turning point in the French Wars of Religion. The Huguenot political movement was crippled by the loss of many of its prominent aristocratic leaders, as well as many re-conversions by the rank and file, and those who remained were increasingly radicalized.
Indian Wars erupted due to tension between the settlers backed by the federal government who were encroaching upon native land and the Native Americans occupying this land. The result of this tension led to Indian Wars such as the Sioux Wars which contained events such as the Wounded Knee Massacre in which federal troops killed 300 Sioux men, women, and children and the killing of General Custer during the battle of Wounded Knee which caused public opinion to turn even more against Native Americans. As a result of these Indian Wars all Native American tribes were effectively put onto reservations. The purposeful impairment and alienation of native culture was strongly emphasized by actions taken and legislation passed by the federal government of the United States. In Document A, Santana, Chief of the Kiowas, describes the destruction of timber and killing of buffaloes by soldiers who sit in camps where his people have lived for generations.
Background, 1788 – 1837 The infamous massacre of Aborigines at Myall Creek in Northern New South Wales in June 1838 occurred in the fifty first year after the British began their penal colony near Sydney cove. The encroachments of the Europeans brought years of devastating strife to Aboriginal peoples, who had lived on this country for thousands of years. They suffered terribly, as they were exposed to diseases to which they had no immunity and they died in large numbers. They were driven from their lands, which had sustained them physically and spiritually. Demoralized and debauched, they were coming to be seen as a doomed race.