Ww1 Who Started the Ww1

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Essay on Argument on Who Started The WW1 The blame of starting World War One is an issue that until today is still not resolved. Many historians as well as commissions tried to find the country or person responsible for the war but their findings are very different. This issue is unresolved because no one person, event or country is fully responsible for the outbreak of war; it was the actions and circumstances that existed before the war, between the countries that fought, that triggered the outset of World War One. Sidney Bradshaw Fay was one of the people who wrote about the guilty party of the First World War. Fay states that none of the European countries wanted war however in each of the countries, political and military leaders did certain things that lead to the declarations of war and the mobilization of troops. These leaders also failed to delay the onset of war. According to Fay each country was, to some degree, guilty of the war. Fay wrote that Austria was more responsible for the immediate cause of the war than any other country. He writes that Austria was acting in self-defense against the eroding "Serbian and Jugoslav agitation which her leaders believed threaded he existence". Also after the shooting of the archduke, Count leopard von Berchtold, the Austrian foreign minister hurriedly declared war against Serbia in order to forestall all efforts at mediation. He even refused the advice of his allies "to come to an agreement with Russia, on the basis of a military occupation of Belgrade as a pledge that Serbia would carry out the promises in her reply to the ultimatum". Fay wrote in Origins of the World War that Serbia was partially responsible for the outbreak of war. Like any other country in the nineteenth century they wanted to be liberated from foreign rule. When Serbia looked for help from Russia the two countries became allies. Therefore after

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