Wuthering Heights Character Analysis

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Wuthering Heights – Characters Heathcliff – Introduced as an orphan found on the streets of Liverpool. Impulsive and wild, described regularly as a 'villain' and Mr Earnshaw even says he physically looks as though he 'came from the devil'. Loyally devoted to Cathy but his impulsiveness and short temper, coupled with her behaviour around him, means they often end up in arguments or at odds with one another. Shown to be manipulative and scheming when he returns to Wuthering Heights after disappearing for 3 years upon overhearing Catherine say it would 'degrade her' to marry him, but leaving before she goes on to say that she loves him deeply and would prefer to marry him than Edgar Linton. Chooses to manipulate Isabella, Edgar's sister, to get back at Catherine and him. Obsessed with revenge. Catherine – Daughter of Mr Earnshaw, owner of Wuthering Heights until his death. Sister of Hindley, a cold-hearted and vindictive man who brings on Heathcliff's lifelong hatred and need for revenge by forcing him to work the fields. Normally reserved and polite, her soulmate Heathcliff brings out a different, altogether wilder side, for example her behaviour after Heathcliff leaves. Epitomises her torn allegiances between Heathcliff and Linton in Vol 1 Chap 9, “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same, and Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire...” She accepts that while she loves Heathcliff more than she will ever love Linton, together they would be nothing, “if Heathcliff and I married, we would be beggars...” It is shown just how much Heathcliff means to her after he and Linton have their confrontation at Thrushcross Grange, ceasing to eat and completely disregarding her health. Edgar Linton – A well-meaning man, Catherine's husband, who plays a subservient role compared to Heathcliff in Catherine's affection. Owner
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