Wrongful Convictions Paul Hpuse

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Wrongful Convictions This article discusses the issue of wrongful convictions, and how many innocent people pay the price because the justice system has failed them. The article focuses on the case of Paul House, a man who was wrongfully convicted of murdering Carolyn Muncey. He spent twenty two years in a prison for a crime that he did not commit. His case “includes mishandled evidence, prosecutorial misconduct, bad science, cops with tunnel vision, DNA testing, the near-execution of an innocent man, and an appellate court reluctant to reopen old cases even in the face of new evidence that strongly suggests the jury got it wrong.” (Balko). In 1986, Paul House, was the prime suspect in the murder of Carolyn Muncey. Because of the fact that DNA testing didn’t exist in 1986, the “evidence” found against Paul House was sketchy and not reliable. Although about 36% of Americans have type A blood, Paul House was accused of the murder because the blood type secretions found at the scene were type A, which was his blood type as well. Another factor that contributed to the evidence against him, was a blood stain on his jeans that matched Carolyn Muncey blood type. Although he stated that he was innocent, this was enough evidence for the jury to convict him of murder. As the years passed by in prison for Paul House, it wasn’t until 1999 that people started to come forward with new evidence that pointed at Carolyn Muncey’s husband as the one who was guilty or her murder. In 1999, Paul House lawyers were able to prove his innocence with DNA testing that proved that the semen found on the Carolyn Muncey was not his and that it belonged to her husband. Also, evidence that the blood stain found on his jeans, was mishandled and test results showed that the blood was put there after her autopsy. With the new investigation, they discovered that the tubes that contained Casey

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