Written Commentary: Lottery Ticket By Anton Chekhov.Doc

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In the given passage on The Lottery Ticket, the story is about the couple who wins the lottery ticket at once, but at the end they find out that they are mistaken their number with the winning number in the newspaper. In this written commentary, I would like to comment on the mood that keeps changing, the relationship between husband and wife, my impression towards Ivan and the ambiguous ending of the passage. The general mood of this story seems to be overwhelming and suffocating. The mood in this passage keeps fluctuating from shock to ecstasy, from suspicion to hatred and hope. In the beginning, the author captures the readers’ attention by Ivan, who ‘had no faith in lottery luck’, suddenly ‘caught by the figure 9,499’ which is the series of number of this wife’s lottery ticket. The very first mood that is experience by the character is surprised and stunned. The mood is described with a simile (‘as though … a douche of cold water’), an imagery (‘chill in the pit of the stomach’) and an alliteration (‘tingling and terrible’) to give the readers variation of languages and enhance the reading experience. The ‘astonished and panic-stricken face’ develops the mood and the atmosphere of the text to a joyful mood. The characters ‘began laughing’ and amazed by the ‘possibility of winning’. The mood begins to turn upside down when the couple starts jealous and angry with each other. For the readers, these changes are unexpected, as it reveals how this couple relationship is. The suspicion arouse between them as they keep showing their hatred towards each other (‘a smile now, but with hatred’ and ‘glanced … with hatred and anger’). Towards the end, the mood surprisingly changes again to disappointment and hopelessness
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