Writing Style of Hemingway

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Hemingway’s Style 1. To many readers, the essential characteristic of the Hemingway’s style is simplicity and precision of word choice. 2. At the conclusion of For Whom The Bell Tolls, you will have a distinct picture of the places, the objects, and the people in the story. 3. Beyond question this effect is achieved by a heavy use of nouns and verbs. 4. It is true that Hemingway often leaves the adjectives and adverbs to the reader. 5. At the same time, Hemingway does not avoid modifiers altogether. 6. Hemingway also does not often punctuate his dialogue with italics, capital letters, ellipses (….), and exclamation point to suggest emphasis. 7. Much has been made of Hemingway’s dialogue, through which you get the feeling of being at the scene. 8. Hemingway uses the antiquated English form to better approximate the speech of his Spanish Characters. 9. Hemingway also tries to convey the extremely physical and earthly-often crude-dialogue of Spanish peasants (particularly when they are upset with each other). 10. One of the Hemingway’s solutions was simply to quote original Spanish word or phrase. 11. The Third-person Omniscient point-of-view is used in For Whom the Bell Tolls, in which the narrator know everything and reports the inner thoughts and feelings of the characters. 12. Hemingway brought colloquial style of Speech and avoided mere decorative embellishment. 13. His narratives move on a rhythmic pattern. 14. He is unique in the art of dialogue writing. 15. His plots are usually simple but spirally rather than cyclic. 16. His use of Irony, Allusion, Metaphor and Symbolism is very apt and adequate.
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