Write a Close Analysis of St. Botolph’s Explaining Language, Structure and Form

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Magic and Astrology creates an interesting account of how Hughes recollects what he experiences during his time with Plath at the “St. Botolph’s” Review launch party. By using astrological terms such as the “natal sun”, “Jupiter” and “Venus” as a way of explaining his explosion of feelings for Plath and their spiritual “conjunction”. The mention of “your” arrives within just past the middle of the first stanza and as with all poems that appear in “Birthday Letters”, it is the pronoun that refers to Plath. Prior to the mention of Plath, evidence of Hugh’s prediction of the party and thereafter, was implied to end in a tragedy. The sematic field of tragedy which arises at the beginning of the first stanza, a “disastrous expense” is repeated twice both referring to “Prospero’s book” and is a clear target aiming for Hughes: “especially for me”. Realisation hits Hughes from what he finds in his discovery about himself and brushes the inevitable danger with a casual “what else?”. He continues this attitude and decides to be “a wait-and-see astrologer”, giving himself the choice to neglect any information provided to him about the future during his study of astrology before the party had taken place. There is no indication for the time at which this tragedy could have taken place and astrology can believe to tell compatibility between people and the possible outcomes of their pursuits. Therefore, while predicting what tragedy that could happen in the future, Hughes naively ignores what he observes and carries on into the second stanza. There becomes understanding that with the reference to “Prospero’s book” and famous writers and astrologers such as “Chaucer” and “Dante” are mentioned, it becomes clear what the symbolic reference Hughes is coinciding his encounter with is: Astrology. Prospero was a character in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” and is a reference to Hugh’s

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