World Human Rights Day

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World Human Rights Day On Monday, many conferences, celebrations and activities are organized all over the world for World Human Rights Day. At government level as well as private level and some NGOs also celebrated meetings which are held at difference part of the country. I also attended a meeting in Islamabad, but in reality at that time I wasn’t in my full senses because my thinking abilities weren’t with me. Suddenly I concentrated on the words “World Human Rights Day”, a day for the poor people, who haven’t any right to live, to feed, to think, to earn, to spend, to need, to feel and to have the right for freedom and even more they more they haven’t right to cast vote at their own. They have also same kind of feelings and thoughts about the nation, they are brave like others, they are worried about the country’s situation and they want that they can get same facilities, where their children get education form the same schools, colleges and universities which have equal facilities and equal right for all. It should have same standards for entire nation. Because this day was “World Human Rights Day” organized around the Globe, but it seems that it was only one man show for the Pakistani brave girl Malalah Yousafzy. All the day national and International media displayed the coverage of the conference which was held in Paris (France). The subject of this conference was “Education for Girls”, on this occasion Malalah Fund was also established. President Zardari, former PM Gorden Brown and delegations from different countries attended the conference and stressed upon the importance of education for girls. They also appreciated the bravery of Malalah, and hoped this fund will support education of the girls. President Asif Ali Zardari called Malalah “a symbol of Progressive Pakistan”. That was very bad incident with Malalah and other girls and the coward

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