Working Mom Essay

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Working Mother Working moms have been found to promote more independence in their children. A working mom is not able to solve every problem or issue due to their absence, so their children tend to become more autonomous and better problem solvers. Encouraging this independence has been found to have a more negative impact on boys than girls. For boys, this independence tends to increase the influence of their peer groups. In girls it has a more positive effect because traditionally girls are given less encouragement to be independent. An average a working moms spend less time with their preschoolers than non-working moms. Conversely,the quality of time spent can sometimes be higher with working moms since they feel they need to compensate for the missed hours during the day, even though the activities chosen by working moms for their children were found to be less educational. Children attending daycare or alternate child care are found to be less compliant and more assertive with their playmates. Now, this is not always a negative aspect, although it can easily become one if not kept under watch. The daycare environment is also found to have a major effect on your child's outcome, but in the long term is not as important as the home environment. It is also proven that although daycare can have a large, positive impact on your child's cognitive and social development, one on one discipline and instruction at home is far more important. Now, I am not saying that daycare is unsatisfactory for our children. If you do your research and have your children in a good facility with great providers than they can, and often do thrive. The implication here is that the teaching, direction, discipline and love that they receive directly at home from you is far more beneficial to them in the long run than what they receive any where else. No one can love your children like
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