“One study shows that if a caregiver is under a lot of stress, his or her loved one has more trouble following the treatment plan, which increases the chance for a major bipolar episode” (National). Learning to observe ourselves when caring for a bipolar person will make it much easier to cope because one can determine how to respond to the manic or depressive behavior better. Recognizing positive things about caregiving can make it a bit easier to cope with the person’s extreme bipolar moods also. For example, the caregiver’s realize that through caregiving they have become more tolerant, empathic and gained more confidence from assessing themselves from time to time. Maintaining one’s own interests, activities and relationships can help to keep things in perspective and prevent exhaustion and burn out.
Explain how communication affects relationships in an adult social care setting (1.1.2) Good communication encourages participation, builds trust, promotes feelings of value and self worth and empowers individuality, creates equality and gives a shared understanding of each other’s needs, wishes and expectations. Good communication is important between staff and all involved in an individual’s care to ensure consistent delivery of the best level of care. Poor communication can lead to feelings of low self esteem, isolation, confusion, fear and frustration. It can also leave someone at an increased risk of abuse. 3.
A person living with a carer may increase the chances of abuse, the elderly person is reliant on person to care for them and this may cause stress and resentment if the carer is unable to cope and have a poor relationship with the service user. Vulnerable adults in a care home environment are more susceptible due to understaffing or poor staff training. The risk of abuse may increase if a vulnerable person is living or in contact with someone who has a history of violence or sexual abuse, continuing the cycle. An individual who is or feels isolated may be more vulnerable to abuse as they have no support network and have no contact with friends and family. Poor communication between the service user and carer is a factor, he or she may be unable to express their concerns or opinions.
Another reason why living at home can benefit an individual is that they may have more time spent with loved ones and are more likely to get visits from friends and family. This is important as it keeps that sense of ‘normality’. If the individual was in a care/residential home, they may not get as many visitors as the family/friends may feel uncomfortable in that environment or the family/ friends may be busy during the visiting hours. Another factor is that the individual is able to maintain a little more control over daily routine, which is important as this leaves the individual feeling cared for and listened to. Also the individuals are surrounded by their own possessions with fond memories which make them feel more secure.
As getting it wrong can lead to multiple placements and this will be detrimental to the child. Placements can break down for lots of different reasons ie. Bad behaviour and aggression, contact issues with family, rivalry between foster siblings. Some theorists have identified that children who experience stable placements that provide good quality care are more likely to succeed in education and be in work and settle into and manage their accommodation after leaving care. They will also feel better about themselves and achieve social interaction in adulthood.
Another value of a multi-professional approach is that they can safeguard children when abuse is noticed or suspected, the multi-agency team comes together to take any necessary steps to protect the child and can also support the family. The value of working in a multi-professional approach, when working with parents is by providing and supporting families with what they need. For example if families are living in poor quality and poorly maintained housing which may have damp in, this can cause diseases for instance asthma. This will affect the children’s learning and development as they will be ill or taking time of school. As Maslow’s hierarchy places needs in order which is most important and the first basic physical need is shelter which is priority.
For example it might be helpful to be a nurturing parent, who is responsive and reliable, and work to create the space for a cooperative relationship. I would be accessible for them in terms of giving feedback, and even appropriate affect and disclosure. I try to be sensitive to their feelings and, if appropriate, to not hide my fallibility. I mirror to them feeling positive about being with them. “A primary task in psychotherapy and counselling is the creation of a secure base in the reliability and consistency of the therapeutic relationship.
Patients with this disease should get treatment that includes social rehabilitation. These include anything from basic living skills, how to handle day-to-day tasks, job training, job placement and work support. Working helps them recover by being productive and getting a sense of identity and worth. Giving training and support, most people with schizophrenia can work. The way people respond to patients and their family members influences their course of illness and quality of life.
They tend to break up repeatedly with the same person, often get emotional and angry. We learn to trust and rely on others as an infant and that influences our relationship as adults. If parents of children this and traded children accordingly we may have adults who grow up to have healthy happy relationships. A child's early caregiver experiences are crucial in setting the stage for that child's ability to maintain intimate relationships in adulthood. A child needs consistent, nurturing caregiving in order to develop a secure base, in which the child feels that it is safe and protected in the world.
Finally, personal issues may affect a person in such a way that they somehow end up homeless. There are many factors that can lead to a person becoming homeless and each person has a different story to tell. Whatever may be the reason for a person becoming homeless, it is the issues that arise from being homeless that are the crucial aspect. Homelessness can have many affects on a persons wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Being out of home can have many implications to a persons health.