Work Management & Organisational Behaviour

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| Work Management & Organisational Behaviour Essay | BUS1004- Work Management & Organisation Behaviour | | | 11/9/2012 | “Use the concepts discussed in part one of the module to describe an organisation with which you are familiar.” “An organisation is an entity where two or more persons work together to achieve a goal or a common purpose”. (College, 2012) In this assignment the concepts of Scientific Management, Fordism, Bureaucracy and Human relations will be addressed to describe a well-known organisation which I have chosen. The organisation I have decided to discuss is McDonalds. Although Scientific Management and Fordism are old theories they still have much relevance in today’s organisations as they did at the turn of the century, they have just been slightly adapted to keep up with the high competitions amongst the competitive world of business. Firstly Scientific Management derived from the work of Frederick Taylor. Taylor wrote the principles of scientific management, “in which he described how the application of the scientific method to the management of workers greatly could improve the efficiency and productivity within the organisation.” (Internet Centre for Management and business Administration, 2002). Taylor believed that optimising and streamlining the way tasks where performed would increase the efficiency and workers would achieve tasks to that workers highest ability. By rationalising tasks he could increase mechanisation therefore a higher amount of goods and service could be produced. Taylor believed that people where only driven by money, and that managers didn’t control the fact that workers did the bare minimum. This also links in with workers given a set amount of time to complete a task to increase production. Furthermore the way this links in with the McDonalds Organisations is that the workers in the

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