Work Family Conflict

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Work-Family Conflict Managing work and family can be a delicate balancing act for families to perform. According to Wallace, “Conflict occurs when work pressures are incompatible with family responsibilities” (Wallace, 2005, pg. 511). The sheer nature of parents working for a living outside the home, while also raising a family, can cause a long list of potential conflicts. Fortunately, along the way, there are some buffers that can help to make that navigation a bit smoother. There are several key factors related to easing those work-family tensions. The first is related to the presence of family support, spousal support and family composition. According to Wallace, “It has been well established that long work hours, working evenings and weekends, and inflexible schedules exacerbate work-family tensions (Wallace, 2005, pg. 512). Working long hours and weekends often causes family strain when, during those times, kids often need supervision or transportation to activities or school. Having family support and extended family to call in those situations allows families to feel in control of their lives and balanced in their responsibilities both at work and at home. Extended family also can assist in allowing parents down time/social time when they are able to provide childcare in those situations. Having trusted, dependable childcare eases parents minds and also allows them the occasional social outlet which can improve mental health and psychological coping at work and home. Spousal support in coping with related work stress is also a key factor to finding the right balance between work and home. The emotional support that a spouse can offer can act as a buffer for the negative effects related to the experience of stress. This support can be in the form of “affection, sympathy, and understanding” (Wallace, 2005, pg. 515). Supportively working together and
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