Work Based Activity 1: Anger Management Programme

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Work Based Activity 1 Anger Management Programme Activity Undertaken: Violence Reduction – 7c Reducing the risk of violence Leadership – 2c Developing opportunities for learning social and emotional skills Contextual Information: A pupil was referred to the behaviour service because of violent and aggressive outbursts at both home and school. A meeting was set up between the head teacher, parents and the behaviour support team where it was felt that the pupil would benefit from a small group intervention on anger management. Brief description of what you did: • Worked alongside colleagues to devise an 8-week anger management programme. • Located appropriate resources. • Delivered the 8-week anger management programme to a group of 6 boys in school.…show more content…
What new leadership skills have I gained and/or what existing leadership skills have I improved? A coaching leadership style was used to develop empathy and self awareness within the group of young people. An affiliative leadership style was employed to build relationships and emotional bonds. When working alongside colleagues and other professionals to guide them with the delivery of the programme I have used a democratic leadership style. Using the Characteristics of Successful Leaders list I can see how I have used a lot of these skills such as; supporting the development and participation of others, celebrating the achievements of others, respecting colleagues for their knowledge and welcoming constructive criticism, when working alongside staff to aid them to deliver the anger management programme within their own schools. What impact has my work on this activity had on my workplace? Children and young people ❖ Feedback from the group was positive. One child stated that, “Making better choices has made my life
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