Word Portrait

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Katarina Milosevic 8A Language Arts February 1, 2011 Word Portrait “A person’s a person, no matter how small”, by Dr. Seuss is my Cousin Mia’s favorite quote. In fact she loves it so much she owns a shirt with the quote written on it and with little cute Dr. Seuss characters in the back around. She is my age and an inspirational person. She always tries to do the right thing and often encourages others to do so as well. She loves to play soccer, draw and read. I think that her favorite place to be by far is in her room. Knowing her she’d probably be in there all day drawing comic strips, listening to music, and she might even take out a book to read. Occasionally she’ll go to the backyard and toss the soccer ball around to practice her dribbling. Even though the way I described her may make her seem like a timid, individual person, but she’s really not. Mia loves company and will never turn down a chance to be…show more content…
She completely zones out and only concentrates on the one task at hand, creation. She plays her music quite loudly for she says it brings out the best in her creative ability. Sometimes I may come in her brightly colored room and sit on her bed waiting for her to finish her thought. While I sit there I watch the intensity of her pencil scratching on the sketch pad, the occasional eraser shavings on her desk would drop to the floor with a silent boom. Finished with her drawing she’d open her desk drawer with a swift glance back at me. She’d then take her colored pencils and quickly, but carefully color in what she had produced. Putting the finishing touches on what she would call an amateur master piece, she gestured to me one more second please. I sat silently until she would turn around and say “It’s not finished yet”, knowing that an artist’s work is never finished, I would reply “I know.” She would then return a small smile and pleasantly say, “What’s up?” showing me she’s ready to

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