Women’s Roles in the Past and Present

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Women’s Roles in the Past and Present Born as a woman in this world, the world doesn't treat women as equally as men. Ever since humans have evolutionized, from hunters and gathers to more civilized people, women were always treated unfairly. The roles for women have been the same for generations until recently when women decided to move on from the old roles and do things that they desire to do and not rely on a man to make her decisions or command her to do. Looking back in the 1890's, women roles were very different that the roles we would associate women in today's times. Being a women in the Victorian era, she was expected to stay at home and do chores, such as cleaning, taking care of the kids, cooking, and most importantly is to give pleasure and satisfaction to his husband. As Coventry Patmore writes in his poem, “Man must be pleased; but him to please is woman's pleasure” (Coventry Patmore ) shows how women back in 1890's were only given the title as being a wife but in reality they were like servants to their husband. Coventry Patmore, in his Angel in the house poem, shows and describes women as an angel. This angel was “passive and powerless, meek, charming, graceful, sympathetic, self-sacrificing, pious, and above all—pure” (Coventry Patmore). Patmore wants to shows the world how beautifully perfect his wife is but contradicts himself in return. Saying women as pure and pious and then degrading her in the poem by making her a powerless human without her husband. However in the poem, the woman faces any difficulty and still has the heart to love her husband. She takes the blame for her husband, even though she knows that the men won’t acknowledge her even if they are helping their husband. This image of weak women created a great deal of anger in women who read this poem and one of them was Virginia Wolf. In proving her point of woman as a
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