Women Studies Essay

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Women Studies in other words is a feminist studies. It is a basic examination of the experiences, perspectives, and contributions of women. It focuses on the difference between gender, race, class, and society. Women studies first emerged from the feminist movement of the late 1960’s and 70’s and has helped to shape the development of women studies. Today, women studies have become a part of the academy and offers majors, minors, master degrees, and at some universities they offer a doctorate in women studies. Women studies have helped to expand the intellectual vision and our capacity to resolve problems that women have struggled with. The main purpose of women studies is to educate and bring awareness to the battles that women face. Women are not treated as objects of study but as subjects of study. The field assumes that gender is a central aspect of society and is committed to expanding what it means to be a man or woman in today's society, and the impact and strength of difference and diversity in women's lives. The flied of women studies helps students critically re-examines historical periods, traditional ideas about gender roles and identities; learning about women's experiences and contributions across cultures, and communities. Women studies are not generalized for a specific audience, their courses should be taken by women and men of all ages, races, and cultures. These courses are intellectually, politically and personally challenging to learn unacknowledged differences and similarities that men and women share, and amongst women of different races. One of the main purposes of these courses is to encourage students to take responsibility of their own learning, and to think critically and creatively in dialogue with others. Some examples of people who were influenced and impacted by women studies was Lucita Woodis and Deborah Halsted Lennon. Lucita
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