Women In Today's Media

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Women in Today’s Media In our everyday lives we are exposed to numerous amounts of advertisements and many of them have some kind of sexual content. Ads are one of the best ways for companies to show their products to the world and also they are the most efficient way to make money. Sports, entertainment, magazines, and bill boards all use ads to sell their products to the world, but for a company to make their ads successful so that people will buy their products, they need to make their ads very appealing and convincing. Women are used in order to sell products to the public and the outside world. Women are dehumanized through the media, which objectifies and degrade women, causing them to end up in abusive marriages, in prison, or in the streets. Most ads in today’s media portray women as objects that are desirable for men. For example in the article, Two ways a woman can get hurt: advertising and violence, the author Kilbourne explains that “boys already have the right to ogle, to view women’s bodies as property to be looked at, commented on, touched perhaps eventually hit and raped”(280). Even as this quote might be a little exaggerated, there is still a lot of truth in it. In the article there was a high school girl that explains “the boys call me slut bitch. They call me a 10 timer, because they say I go with 10 guys at the same time. I put up with it because I have no choice. The teachers say it’s because the boys think I’m pretty” (Kilbourne 287). If teachers are not willing to stop harassments like this from happening in schools, then maybe schools in fact are the place where young men are getting the idea that women are just objects planted in their brains. Most women in today’s society are seen sexual objects or just properties to men. The fact that woman are simply sexual satisfaction for men is also highlighted by the making of “sex doll” – a
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