According to the book “Women, Art, and Society”, men can achieve nobility because they are good in art, but women can only be allowed to practice act when she was of noble birth. It showed that people in the past believed women’s success in art was base on the nobility in her family; it means women’s success in art was just part of the property of her family, but not because of her. It was hard for women to prove her ability when everyone believed both males’ and females’ success were credited to male. On the other hand, the economic valuing of Western art was also one of the obstacles which females’ artists had to face. In the text book “Women, Art, and Society”, author mention that “Our language and expectations about art have tended to rank that produced by women as below that
They could possess land , much like men, but they were regarded as belongings to their husband or father. Women could also participate in various professional roles in society and attain a number of trades. The Renaissance, however, was much different for women. They were believed to be substandard to their spouses. Women were, essentially, wives and mothers to their children.
Marriages were usually based on economic partnership and cultural believes. Husbands ruled over their wives and made all of the family decisions. It was almost impossible for women to be involved in public matters. In fact, women had no right at all to participate in activities that weren’t permitted by the husbands and if they were to do so the men were allowed by the law to punish their wives for disobedience. It felt almost like they were imprisoned in the domestic environment by their Masters who were men.
Perhaps they were too wealthy and wanted to feel more authoritative and powerful? Perhaps it was more literal, and had to do with the land that different villagers had and didn’t have. In Document E, the theory of differences in marital status also comes up. The chart shows that majority of the accused were married, whereas the majority of the accusers were single, and that majority of them were also women. Perhaps the women felt envy for the other women, knowing that they were married and had a man in their lives, while the accusers were alone and had no one?
The women Chartists that had supported men to get the vote felt very let down. Male criminals could vote yet female doctors, factory workers and mothers couldn’t. One of the most significant contributions to the achievement of votes for women in 1918 was made by the Suffragists. Female suffrage societies were firstly developed in more middle and upper class areas like London, Manchester and Edinburgh. They started because of their disappointment of the 1867 Reform Act when it failed to include women.
Women’s restriction in the workforce was also because of their forced dependency on men and poor socio-economic status of women. Women were seen to have no intelligence; their higher education was not seen as needed. Only those women who had higher social standings and wealth had a right to higher education. Along with Christian woman’s lack of higher of education, they were highly subordinate to men, meaning their father, brothers, and husband. They were not a loud to own land and also had to pass on their inheritance to their husband.
Women were expected to marry, have children and financially they were expected to be fully dependent on their husbands. Women rarely had careers and most professions refused entry to women. However, between the years 1850 and 1901 women’s role in society began to be challenged. There were a number of reasons for this,
Also, he was perceived as “socially acceptable” by most everyone; he was a prominent businessman and Governor. Jody, however, was not the love Janie was ultimately seeking; he did not treat her with the respect that a husband should give a wife. Although Janie does not leave him, she once again goes against the status quo. Prior to his death, she confronts him about how he treated her and takes control: “ you goingtuh listen tuh me one time befo’ you die” (86). At the time, a women’s role in a marriage was to take care of the home, produce children, and be obedient to their husbands.
Sexism Sexism caused a lot of problems in history. For example during the industrial revolution women are prevented to have a job that is paid equally as a man does although they do more work than a men does, and this lead to women rights movement. In ancient China women were not allow to go out they couldn’t have a job all they do is stay at home and do housework. It’s not really because their religion didn’t allow them. It’s because Chinese people think after women get married they will live with their husband and they will become a part of the other family.
These were at first common among the educated, urban, wealthy and middleclass dwellers (.Reynolds, Jenny, and Penny Mansfield 1) This later spread to rural dwellers. Women were oppressed and were not allowed to talk about how they were dissatisfied or mistreated in their marriages. During this period, opposite-gender marriages were practiced, and girls were marrying at a remarkably young age. Women were submissive to their husbands, and marriages were mainly planned, other than the couples