Women 100 Years Ago Compared to Women of Today

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Compare/Contrast Essay Women 100 years’ ago-Women of today “Sweetness is to woman what sugar is to fruit. It is her first business to be happy-a sunbeam in the house, making others happy. True, she will often have “a tear in her eye”, but, like the bride of young Lochinvar, it must be accompanied with “a smile on her lips.” Rev. E.J. Hardy, Manners Makyth Man, 1887. It is said that change is the only permanent thing in this world. Time goes by so quickly that we humans do not notice that there is change all around us. Although they bear some minor similarities, women 100 years ago and women of today differ insurmountably. Aspects such as liberation, career options, and sexuality are the main points of contrast. The final “NO” was printed in Good Housekeeping, May 1927. It brought to life an advertisement for S.O.S. soap pads which became a short story of a woman finally declaring her independence forsaking her most “sacred obligation” of a dutiful housewife. She threw her head back in defiance as a man was bent to one knee pleading her to marry him she called out, “What? Give up my freedom to become your slave? Not in a thousand years!” In 1927, many people still believed a woman’s place was at home, taking care of the children, doting on her husband all with a smile on her face, but things were changing. Women were finally being able to have their own voice heard, choose who they would marry, and most of all be able to vote. Up until then however, if a woman “rebelled” against the rules such as having an opinion or speaking up against men then she was declared insane and committed to an asylum. Today women do not need to worry about being committed to an asylum by speaking her mind or having free thoughts. Women are however, fighting in a predominately male world but, are able to have their opinions heard without repercussions. The liberation of 1920
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