Wolsey Servant or Partner

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Do you agree with the suggestion in Source 6 that Henry treated Wolsey more as a partner than as a servant? Many believe that Wolsey was a partner and not a servant in the eyes of Henry due to him being often depicted as an alter rex or more commonly known as the other King. However there are those who do believe that Wolsey was a servant who was just very clever at getting his way and therefore fooling people into believing that he was an alter rex. Source 6 suggests that Wolsey was more of a partner to Henry but only between the years 1515 and 1525. The reason that he was more of a partner between those years was due to him being able to please the King in any way from allowing the young King to enjoy and indulge himself in Hunting, sports and drinking whereas many of his other advisors told him to be more like his father. Also what helped Wolsey to become more of a partner was that of him being able to change his opinion to suit that of the King even if he felt strongly against what the King wished. Due to these things ‘Wolsey enjoyed a uniquely privileged access to the king’, which again suggests that he was a partner due to no one else getting to see the King as much as he did. Source 6 benefits from hindsight from which it can evaluate all of the events from the time from which it can give an overall opinion of whether Wolsey was more of a partner then a servant. The fact that it wasn’t written at the time helps its reliability as its judgement is not blinded by the fact that people who wrote about Wolsey from the time were those who either worked for Wolsey or those who worked for people who hated Wolsey and those who just despised him for example John Skelton and Polydore Vergil. Source 4 which is written by John Skelton who was a poet laureate of the time who specialized in satire, especially satire poems about Wolsey who his master The Duke of Norfolk
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