With Reference to a Contemporary or Current Conflict, Evaluate the Responses Availible in Achieving World Order?

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All around the world in all different nations there is bound to be conflict. With conflict comes the challenge of achieving world order, and at times this may take years such as the current conflict in syria which began in 2011 and is still going on today. In 2011 fighting and a civil war broke out in syria. In what started as a pro democracy and human rights opposition later turned into violence and terrorism. The United States, Turkey, Britain and the Golf arab countries started the movement to overthrow the Assad government. Whereas Russia, China and Iran gave international support for the assad government. The Americans sponsored three security council resolutions to overthrow and condemn the Assad government. They claimed they had a right to overthrow the government and introduce democracy into syria. On these three occassions, Russia and China vetoed these resolutions as they claimed Syria is a sovereign state and no one has the right to interfere in its internal affairs. In conclusion the UN has proved to be effective in promoting state sovereignty and protecting the integrity of syria by not allowing invasion because as Russia and China correctly claim a foreign invasion would destroy the country completely, killing millions of people and spread the war to neighbouring countries, namely lebanon and iraq. With the conflict that has happened in syria and the accusations that the assad government has faced such as the use of chemical weapons on his people, there has been much debate on whether the United States should launch a unilateral military attack on syria. The fundamental rule of contemporary international law is that states cannot attack other states. The U.N. Charter embodies this rule and makes only two exceptions to it: a state can attack another state if it is authorised to do so by a security council resolution, or if the attacking state is

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