Willie Lynch Letter Summary

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18 February 2014 Psychology 251 Willie Lynch Letter: The Making of a Slave The purpose of this letter was written to establish how slave owners can break down Negros and make them slaves. It is amazing how the words that Willie Lynch spoke hundreds of years ago are still relevant today. In his speech, he emphasized taking the difference between slaves and exploiting them. Lynch used fear, envy, and distrust for control mechanisms. The slave owners knew the potential that the slaves had, however they possessed the missing ingredient, which was mind control. If you can control a slave’s mind by making them hate each other instead of loving each other, you have completely won the battle. Light skinned slaves were put against dark skinned slaves, and males were put against females. This was done while distracting them from what really mattered, which is called black unity. In the paragraph “Let’s Make a Slave,” it was focusing on the process of man breaking and slave making. This means that that our black men are forced to become more of a servant that helps the white man lynch our slaves. It also focused on human nature, and slave nature. Human nature is people that have a control over their life styles. On the other hand, slave making is black people that have control over their life. By making a…show more content…
The Willie Lynch story is a wonderful example of methods used to get us to hate everything African about ourselves which automatically led to mistrust and low self-esteem and even lower race-esteem. I think the color of your skin effects whether or not you get a job, how people look at you, and your social life. Nevertheless, if you carry yourself with manners and well speech, most likely the color of your skin can override. As a union the African American need to come as a union to deactivated the Willie Lynch chip that has been installed into us from generation to
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