Why Zoos Should House Animals

382 Words2 Pages
1. Because, should 1. Fast food restaurants contribute to the obesity epidemic. ∴ Fast food restaurants need to post the calorie count for their food on the menu. 2. Because, because, should 1. Donors to presidential campaigns wield too much influence over their candidates. 2. Political ads on television are too costly. ∴ Presidential campaigns for the major candidates should be financed by the government. 3. makes, many, so, while, and 1. The building appears cold and gray both inside and out. 2. The rooms lack windows. 3. One is left staring at the cement wall. 4. The poor lighting makes studying difficult. 5. The terrible acoustics make conversation almost impossible. ∴ The student union building is ugly and uncomfortable. 4. both, and, and 1. A woman’s right to privacy 2. The question of when life begins 3. Anything that involves personal rights ∴ Abortion raises important moral questions. 5. Many, And 1. Biologists and physicians argue that life does not begin at conception. 2. The Supreme Court ruled in 1973 that to restrict a woman’s right to have an abortion violates her right to privacy. ∴ Two facts lead us to believe that abortion should remains a woman’s choice. 6. an, and 1. Innocent people might be executed. ∴ Capital punishment is not justified. 7. Because, and, Furthermore, and 1. Some killers are bend rehabilitation. 2. Victim’s families are entitled to retribution. 3. The costs of maintaining a prisoner for life are too great. 4. No state guarantees that life imprisonment means no parole. ∴ Society should have the right to execute those convicted of first-degree murder. 8. Because 1. No opinion can inflict harm. ∴ We don’t have the right to suppress opinion. 9. These, and, also 1. Scans reveal weapons and bombs hidden by clothing. 2. The images are ghost-like, not explicit. 3. Anyone can demand a full body pat down in place of the full body
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