Why Do People Travel Essay

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Why Do People Travel? Almost everyone has different memories about travel. Most people have experienced good feeling before travel. I feel enthusiasm when I’m packing my stuff for every single trip. But why do people love to travel? Why do they mostly choose traveling for their holidays or when they have spare time? Is there anything beyond what we know about travel? People enjoy traveling for two reasons such as becoming more open minded and exploring new things. One of the most important reasons that people enjoy traveling is because they want to become open-minded. They escape from their routine life because they need to be far from all their intellectual and mental preoccupations for a while to feel freedom in a different atmosphere. According to George Santayana, “The world is too much with us, and we are too much with…show more content…
Traveling brings out the adventure in life. It is an exploration of the unknown, a way to see everything the world has to offer. It is a way to enhance the wealth of experience and fulfill one of the most important desires of man, the urge to discover and explore. Traveling is gives us opportunity to understand the greatness of the world. It shows us the sights and values and issues that we might ordinarily ignore; and more deeply, give us chance to explore all parts of ourselves as Pico Iyer wrote, “We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves.” By traveling to a foreign place, we not only experience new things, new culture, new food, new weather but also we unavoidably travel to moods and states of mind and hidden inward things that we’d otherwise seldom have chance to visit and discover. We tend to ignore those little details of ourselves that really defines us. Traveling gives us perfect time for deep introspection. It can give us some of the answers we’ve been seeking and help us discover the meaning of all our unclarified

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