Why We Study History Apush

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Why We Study History I believe that we should study history, not for the fact of knowing what mistakes we made in the past so we don’t repeat them, but because I believe it is unjust for someone to go through life knowing nothing about the past or any sort of education pertaining to the building blocks of the world we live in today. History is all around us, take politics for example, without any knowledge of the branches of the social sciences, how would someone be able to understand how a country is run? How the government works? how can someone go through life not knowing who the first president of the united states was or have any information on the American Revolution, WW1, or the Great Depression. History even influences our social lives, maybe not to the average teenager but when we grow older and stop thinking like immature kids that only care/talk about ”Twitter” , “Instagram” or “Facebook”. We will actually have something interesting to say because soon we will be surrounded by educated adults, we wont have to stay quiet and nod our heads in agreement to something we have no clue what the hell is. No, because we committed ourselves to learning about History we will be able to have a say in what those adult are talking about, and we will be able to give our opinions and views on the topic. Also to get places in life you have to be educated, the way our country is going the best place any uneducated person is going to is McDonalds. But when you have some background, some educational diversity, some historical information, you can mingle with people of higher classes and squeeze in with their group or inner circle, because your not just some uneducated spic from Hialeah, your an educated person that can back up his mouth, and not with physical strength but with educational
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