Why We Shouldn't Use Prison Labor For Public Works

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Argument Essay: That we should use prison labor for public works; Affirmative team We should use prison labor for public works because it’s an additional punishment, it can also be an industry. Because of this it will help prisoners seek jobs with their skills and start a new life. In a way it’s a way that can re-educate prisoners; Prison labor assists prisoners in acquiring vocational skills and work ethic so that they can have post release employment. In a prison family, such as a criminal record of a family, a member of the family could break the circle so they wouldn’t be prisoners their whole life. Like what Xavier said in his argument, the government would wasting money on the prisoners, I believe that’s true the government is helping giving the prisoners a second chance and to be educated. Voluntary, prisoners have a choice to choose whether or not they'd want to do the job, but according to law the prison labor is recommended for these people and to help them. Though they may seem vicious and cruel it shouldn’t stop them from gaining new skills for a job industry. Employment may include baker, laundry, kitchen, wood work, retailer shops, farming, gardening, community work and cleaning. This form of labor can help with their rehabilitation. Prisoners may have broken the law but our society should be preparing these people to be citizens once again. Thanks to Prison Labor, the United States is once again an attractive location for investment in work that was designed for the third world labor work. U.S employers have pointed to the tight labor market for their interest in employing prisoners. Prisoners are awarded little items such as; time in the library, time in a games room, time outside and quality time with family from their participation. Work camps also develop skills while helping out local communities. Yatala Men Prison in South Australia, was

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