Why Was The Slave Trade Abolished?

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The Slave Trade had a big impact on Europe, Africa, The West Indies, and almost the rest of the world. But towards the end people started to believe that the slave trade wasn’t such a good thing. This was for more than one reason. For example: • It was believed that paid slaves worked harder than slaves who had been captured and forced to work, or had been bred into slavery. Also, if you hired slaves, you didn’t have to pay for their housing or food, and so people started to think that paid saves were cheaper and more profitable. • People also started to think that abolishing the slave trade would mean that Britain could start to interfere with the trade of their biggest rivals – America and France. Abolishing the trade would mean that they could stop the American and French trade ships, and say they were looking for slaves. • Another reason was that sugar was now much cheaper from other places, rather than the West Indies, and anyway, Britain was becoming less dependent on sugar. Trade in iron, cotton and coal was growing, and so the British didn’t have to use slaves to work the sugar plantations anymore. But these are only the reasons on why the people weren’t so keen on the trade, not the reasons for why the trade was abolished. The reasons on why the slave trade was abolished are now going to be explained in more depth, and I will also decide which reason had the most impact and why. One of the reasons was the slaves themselves. Because they were forced to work and always punished badly for the slightest mistake, they were extremely unhappy and most hated they’re owners. This of course led to revolts and rebellions, which in turn, made it harder for the plantation owners and slave drivers to make a profit. They spent more of their time trying to find slaves, or buying new ones to replace the ones that they hadn’t found then they did back on the
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