Why Unions Matter

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“Why Unions Matter” by Michael Yates has brought to light the meaning of what a union is and why unions are so important. Labor and the way we work has always been either a problem or a blessing for the working class. Throughout the ages, whether we were slaves, serfs, the bourgeoisie, or aristocrats, each came with its own level of benefits and problems. Yates starts his journey with his own experiences at the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Factory in Meadville, Pennsylvania. (Yates, “Why Unions Matter,” p 1) He explains how he was asked in 1994 to come to the PPG plant and speak about the legal rights for the employees who were trying to organize PPG in Meadville, PA. The plant employed mostly white males and their capitalist employers were exploiting some women who worked on the production lines. Yates explained he would only come if the people who were starting the organizing drive agreed that it was ok for him to speak to the factory workers. He was called back two weeks later by the Aluminum, Brick, and Glassworkers’ (ABG) to speak at a firehouse close to the PPG plant. His talk was taped and circulated throughout the plant. Six months later, Yates returned to speak to each of the shifts at the plant, explaining the benefits of joining the union. The plant’s anti-union campaign was much stronger than the organizing campaign being presented by ABG and they lost the battle. The organizers knew they had lost but promised they would return and fight to win again. This was personal for Yates since he grew up with some of the people employed by PPG at the plant. He felt that the company tried to alienate the workers from each other and from forming unions because unions can help workers overcome their fear of retaliation by the formation of unions. Employers were using all different types of tactics to engage the employees; they told them they were equals, changed job
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