Why the Roman Empire Was so Successful

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My AQA History Project Why the Roman Empire was so successful? Contents Founding Myth of Rome According to the founding myth of Rome, Rome was founded on April 21753 BC. The founders were twin brothers Romulus and Remus who were descendants from a Trojan prince called Aeneas and were grandsons of the Latin king Numitor. Numitor was removed as king by his brother Amulius, simultaneously Numitor’s daughter; Rhea Silva gave birth to Romulus and Remus. Rhea Silva however was raped by Mars the God of war, so the twins were considered half divine. Amulius (former king Numitor’s brother) feared the twins, because he thought they might overthrow him, so the king ordered the twins to be killed. A she-wolf (or in other accounts a shepherds wife) saved the twins and raised them as her own. When the twins were old enough, they returned to the throne. The twins founded their own city, but the twins Romulus and Remus had an argument about the ruler of the new city and the name (in other accounts it was about the location of the city). Because of the quarrel Romulus killed Remus and he then the city was named after him. To make the city attractive, the city became a sanctuary (safe place for people) for the extremely poor and unwanted people. Although there was a large workforce (lots of workers) there was a problem in this, because the city lacked women. Because of this, Romulus went to neighbouring towns and tried arranging marriages, but because Rome was full of unwanted and poor people, all of the women refused. Another legend recorded by a Greek historian called Dionysius of Halicarnassus , said that price Aeneas led a group of Trojans on a sea voyage to find a new Troy, as the original Troy was destroyed in the Trojan War. After a long time the Trojans landed at the banks of the Tiber River. Not long after they landed the men wanted to get back on sea, but the

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