Why Study History

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Why Study History When ask the question, "why study history"" a person might answer, we study history because it's essential to understand the past in order to understand the present. History is important to all lives on this planet. It is important to study history because with history because if we forget what happened we might do the same mistake over again, helps us understand how other people feel about things at different countries, and shows us how the world is like now. We study history because we know that history repeats itself. First, there have been actual times when people learn from other people before them. For example, the Revolutionary war caused many other countries to break away from their monarchs, presidents, and dictators. People are still trying to break away from their governments such as Egypt and other countries in Africa. Nevertheless, most people don’t learn from our mistakes and just repeat them. Napoleon once marched his troops to war but they died of cold and diseases. Hitler also did the same thing with his troops and they died of hypothermia and other things that cause death. We study history so we don’t repeat the same mistakes we’ve made before. Another reason as to why we study history is so we could understand other people from other countries. First, in the real world, we’re going to have to work with and be friends with people from different cultures and countries. It’s easier to cooperate with them and not have as much disagreements. Next, we also have to understand others because we might not know what offends them. For example, people at Libya have attacked because there was a video putting down Muslims. Six US politicians died because of that one person who posted a video about Muslims and didn’t know it offended them. We have to understand others from other cultures and countries. Lastly, we study history so we can
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