Why Should Adults Take Care of Their Parents

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Zach Freeman Professor Cowling Research Paper Rough Draft 3 April 2015 Should Young Adults be Required to Take Care of Their Elders From the time a child is born, they are dying. Parents raise their children in the hopes that they will one day grow up and do great things. They watch their children grow, and one day, they let them go. Thought one’s life, it is believed that the adult’s sole priority is to take of their child and help them succeed in life. However, what happens if the tables are turned? What happens when the elders are not longer able to take care of themselves? Does it become the sole responsibility of the young adult to care for the elder? Once one finally turns twenty-one they are now fully considered an adult. Therefore, they should be held completely reliable for their parent’s well being because parents take care of their children, so it should be a reciprocal relationship. They may not receive medical/Medicare, and they may financially need your help. Overall, they gave you life and raised you to be the person you are today and to become. You would be nothing without them. So in turn, it should be the child’s sole responsibility to take care of their elderly parents. In the coming years, the United States is facing an age crisis, which the number and proportion of elderly people in the American population will grow to 20 percent (72 million people). (Great Neck Publishing par, 1) One of the most significant issues arising from this demographic shift is the fact that existing eldercare networks, facilities, and governmental systems are insufficient to accommodate the vast increase in demand. Lets think about the supply and demand laws. The law of supply states “that the quantity of a good supplied rises as the market price rises, and falls as the price falls.” The law of demand states, “that the quantity of a good demanded falls as the

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