Why Schools Are Failing Our Children

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Why Schools Are Failing Our Children January 23, 2011 There are many problems plaguing our schools and which affect the quality of education that our children receive in our pursuit to give them the quality of education that we want them to receive. It has become an issue that has compounded itself over the years and with each solution to a problem seems to bring more problems. The main problems that face our schools today are funding, curriculum, staffing, state mandates, and federal mandates. These problems must be addressed fully to allow children to have a proper curriculum that engages the brain in thinking and problem solving to give our future a chance to be more successful than the generations before. The issue with financing schools is not a new problem. It is a topic that is debated in the back rooms of school boards all across the nation as well as in public forums. It is not difficult to see the problems that exist in funding. The schools say they need more money, but the people who bear the burden of paying the taxes say they need more tax relief. Schools are in part, at fault for this problem. It seems that now, more than ever, funding has become an issue of dire importance. With the increasing burden of NCLB, schools are trying to make the most of every penny while the tax payers are more scrutinizing of every penny spent. Mismanagement of funds has become a common occurrence and there is not a shortage of stories in the papers every week about the subject. Also, potential woes from poor management and poor choices only hurt the students. Some examples are cited by Hanushek are good examples of what budget woes cause. “Faced with state budgetary crises, local districts have initiated or proposed policies that appear blatantly harmful. Oregon has seen local districts announce early ending of the school year. California districts

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