Why Police Force Should Be Reduced

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CRIMINAL JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT - POLICE FORCE Aug 20, 2011 [pic] INTRODUCTION I chose this topic of police force why it should be reduced because it has been one reason many lives that have been taken unnecessarily by law enforcement. This subject matter is close to my heart because it saddens me each time I have watched the news or read articles where this type of unnecessary force has taken place. As concerned citizens we have all seen cases where police officers have taken matters in their own hands and have abused individuals upon being questioned or arrested. There is a reason for police officers to be carefully and show the force of being in charge as an individual of authority. To be a police officer is to be held at a higher standard since they position. According to dictionary.com the definition of a police is a policeman or policewoman; patrolman or patrolwoman, having an officer ran on a police force. The police officer whether male or female has rank and position, but that position must never be taken out of context. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines and officer as one who holds position of authority, or command in the armed forces. Citizens whether guilty or not should never feel as if their lives could be…show more content…
The communities feel protected and there is less fear in the community because of this police force. Crime statistics have a way of coming down when the criminals can see a positive appearance of police in the area. Police force should not be reduced, but instead encouraged to those that serve in law enforcement. Where there are police in any surrounded areas communities where there is a possibility of crime, citizens feel less threatened. An example of police force or presence is when you see an officer walking the neighborhood at any time of the

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