Why People Exercise

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Why people exercise From my point of view the “best” reason to exercise is because it is really fun. There are also a lot of other reasons to why people exercise. Most people think that it takes up a lot of time or they think it requires too much work. When people actually take the time to do it they realize exercising and being active is an enjoyable experience. It doesn’t matter how you exercise as long as you do something so it is important to figure out which is the best for you. When you having fun you don't even realize that you are exercising and you look forward to it every day. Making goals and giving yourself rewards will help you stay motivated. Then there are many other reasons as to why people exercise. It has been shown that exercising it is crucial for living a healthier, longer and a happy life. The first reason why people should exercise is because it will keep them healthy. People are eating vast amount of fast food so cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease is becoming more and more common. The main cause of this condition is the obesity which is also referred to as the “silent murderer” (“Obesity the silent killer”, 2010). However this condition can be prevented and controlled by exercising, exercising makes the heart muscles stronger and with the heart strong it can do the same work at a lower heart rate. In today’s society people are less concerned with the food they eat therefore many illnesses that weren’t common before are becoming more common. Exercising not only help prevent cardiovascular diseases but it also stops strokes, type 2 diabetes and also certain types of cancer. The second benefit to exercising is the improvement in self-esteem and confidence. Most people think of exercising as a physical activity but it is also a mental activity. Some studies revealed that people who exercise regularly have higher self-esteem. They
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