Why Not Everyone Is a Torturer

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Why not everyone is a torturer Write an essay (900-1200 words) in which you analyse and comment on the article "Why not everyone is a torturer" by Stephen Reicher and Alex Haslam. “Why not everyone becomes a torturer” is an article written by Stephen Reicher and Alex Haslam, 2004. The article tries to explain why people become torturers, that evil is inside of humanity. This paper exposes that evil is inside all of us. The article refers to the Abu Ghraib prison, the controversial experiment of Zimbardo and the Nazis. However, Abu Ghraib is the central event in the article. The guards tortured and humiliated the Iraqis. In order to analyse this article, the rhetorical pentagram would be an obvious method. Stephen Reicher and Alex Haslam are both psychologists, which gives them a certain ethos. They have credibility and experience, which strengthen their ethos. They enunciate themselves in a very formal way therefore we won’t question their ethos. “Our own findings indicated that where such a vacuum exists, people are more likely to accept any clear line of action which is vigorously proposed. Often, then, tyranny follows from powerlessness rather than power. In either case, the failure of leaders to champion clear humane and democratic values is part of the problem” - The language is an important rhetorical feature. The sentence is high style (høj stil). The numbers, statics and quotes are almost non-existing. However, by referring to the experiment of Zimbardo, a certain Logos is presented. The circumstance(s) was because of the photographs from Abu Ghraib. There was (and still is) a lot of discussions and public nuisance. There was a little – almost non-existing understanding for the prisoners. “The reader” is important to elaborate on as well. As a student studying English and social society (and psychology on C) I find
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