Why My Voice Is Important

288 Words2 Pages
Why my voice is important? Voices shape the way we live, who we are, what we believe. Every person has their own voice, their own opinion, and everyone deserves the right to be heard. Ever since the beginning of time people have been using their voice to change the world around us. Our voice allows us to be heard, and being heard is the key to making a difference. Every day, every single one of us changes the world with our voice. Wether it be changing someone's perspective on a topic, or even using our voice to teach others so they can make a difference, it all makes our voices are important. Voices allow us to express ourself, allow us to speak out and tell our ideas to the world. Without our voice the world would be nothing. Voices let us stand up for what we believe in and let us share our thoughts to someone who might think differently than us. Many people feel that their voice isn't as important as others, when people don't listen to what others have to say it puts people down, and makes them not want to express themself with their voice. You might say, "well isn't Barrack Obama's voice is more important than mine?" And, thats not true. He is just like every one of us, all he does is express his ideas just like we do. President Obama might have more authority but your voice is just as important as his. Every voice is powerful, every voice is important whether it be a child or an adult, school teacher or a president every single one of us has the right to use our voice in whichever way we
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