Why Should Junk Food Be Banned

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Junk food shouldn't be banned because it tastes good. Yes, fast food is unhealthy, but that alone is no reason for it to be banned. Alcohol and cigarettes are also unhealthy. Should we ban them too? Car crashes kill people. Should we make cars illeagal? Mobile phones cause brain tumours. Should we ban them too? We all know it is bad for your health, so it should be down to the choice of each individual. Fast food is a very different matter than other things which are banned/controlled such as alcohol or tobacco. No one needs to smoke or drink alcohol, but everyone needs to eat. Any amount of tobacco is harmful, but fast food can be eaten in moderation without harm. It is the responsibility of the individual person to choose how much junk…show more content…
Anything in moderation is never a bad thing but when kids are encouraged to eat more and exercise less the problems become severe. I don't think that junk food adverts should be banned because at the end of the day, the company who produce the food have to make a profit, and advertising is the only way really. People do decide what they eat when it comes down to it, and children in today's world do actually realise what they are eating believe it or not! Just because junk food is on television doesn’t mean people are being coaxed or influenced to eat it. If they showed a person jumping on the edge of a cliff, would people do so? I think that junk food should not be banned in cafeterias. All the money from selling the junk food can be put towards fundraising for things, e.g. camps, cancer, poverty etc. Plus the cafeteria benefits by gathering more money which they can use to buy more ingredients. If kid can't buy it at school they are just going to wag class and buy it from the milk bar or something. This isn't stopping the problem just creating new ones. Don't people know that this problem can be stopped with proper education and exercise programs in
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