Why Is the Understanding of Human Development Important?

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Why is the understanding of human development important? Being such a broad subject on the understanding of human development, there are many aspects which contribute to being able to gain the understanding of development. Things which the everyday person may ask, such as; why do we need to understand human development? How does this help us in today’s world? Those are just two of many. Throughout researching, in the rest of the context written below, these answers will be revealed. Having insight into the understanding of human development, we are able to gain knowledge of humans from the very important stage of childhood right through till adulthood. The positives lye within us as a world being able to help and give a better life from childhood. We are able to teach and understand different ways of conceptual understanding, values, learning, responses, different behaviours and skills. Although there are positives, arguments towards theorists such as Jean piaget’s work and many other theorists there are also debates on weather faults have been made in some of the theories. How we grow and transform in life psychically is not the only aspect of what is needed to be looked at, it is also trying to gain knowledge of somebody’s development however social, emotional and cognitive development play a huge role in this. Beginning with the stage of childhood development has to be key as this is where we first enter the world and begin to learn and develop knowledge. Piaget had given one of the most popular foundations of understanding a child’s development “children are little scientists, who actively construct their knowledge and understanding of the world.” (psychology.about, 2012). The start of life is crucial to learning and one of the most important factors would be our environment as our surroundings encourage learning language, repeating actions and
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