Why Is Studying History Important?

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Why is studying History Important? Why is studying History Important? As Edmund Burke stated ‘’Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it’. It is said that history repeats itself, so studying history will not only teach you how to overcome change but , when you encounter a crack in your plans or destiny throws a curveball in your direction you are the left with the question What do I do next? Well only simple and easy thing is to look back at the past to help you move forward with your future. In this society everyone is evidently different; we have different opinions, different views on topics of discussion and each have a unique insight on life. However one thing we all have in common is a Past, We all have a past; Good or Bad with memories will shall forever cherish and memories we wish we could only forget but will always be a part of us as in helped us learn from those experiences and mistakes to make us the person we are today and to help us shape our future from now. Without history we would not be able to learn from our mistakes and be able to as Schama states without history we would be‘’-held hostage in the cage of eternal now.’’ No matter how hard we try to persuade ourselves that our individual history is not important it made us the person we are today and the society we live in today. History will never end, right now we are making history where it be an famous history which will be written in school textbooks for generations to come or a simple experience in our lifelike the day you taught your child how to bake as it inspire her to make to be a future cake make history is those moments we cherish which we can tell our friends and family. "We study the past to understand the present; we understand the present to guide the future." -- William Lund. I believe History is important because we are the past; We created or were part of all
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