Why Is It Socially Acceptable for Children to Watch Disney Princess Films?

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WHY IS IT SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE FOR CHILDREN TO WATCH DISNEY PRINCESS FILMS? When we’re born, all we need is the love and support of our parents. As we develop, we grow to need more things, but still, as a constant, need that same love and support only a parent can give. In different phases of our lives, our parents will assume different roles. They will be our caretakers, our friends, at times they’ll be our counsellors, the sticklers, but at all times, our pillar of support. Personally, my parents mean the world to me. But in this day and age, parents have become increasingly concerned about their role as developers of young lives. Many of them seek guidance on raising children the right way so as to give their children the best they can and experience the joys of parenthood to its fullest- if you were to type into Google ‘good parenting skills’, about 13,700,000 results will pop up straight away. The whole act of parenting is tied up in an attempt to control which values we, as children pick up and copy, and to get rid of the values, or ideas they hope we will avoid. We see it every single day – our parents restricting the language we use, or the friends we hang out with, the music we listen to, or even if we go to church or not, depending on what is socially acceptable. (CONTINUE WITH ANOTHER POINT…) Why then, do parents WORLDWIDE still feel that allowing their young, impressionable children to watch Disney Princess films is a good idea? The messages conveyed are ones of sexual stereotypes, gender power games, and the importance of physical beauty. For example, Snow White- her budding sexuality is a threat to another woman, so she is murdered. Her only asset- physical beauty, is what saves her in the end. Ariel from the little mermaid- drastically changes her appearance so as to be more attractive to man. Cinderella- saved by a prince from terrible living

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