Why I Want to Be an Engineer

586 Words3 Pages
Engineering is defined as the art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, as physics or chemistry, as in the construction of engines, bridges, buildings, mines, ships, and chemical plants. As far as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with building things and figuring out how things are made, whether it is cars, furniture, or even a pen in class to pass the time. Three things have influenced my decision to become an engineer; entertainment, school, and friends/family. Entertainment is a huge influence on me. I enjoy watching educational programs on the History Channel and Science Channel. Among the most popular of their shows are “How Its Made”, “How Do They Do It?”, “Modern Marvels”, and “Build It Bigger”. I was first introduced to them by my father who enjoys them, and over time, I have come to love them. They are all about construction, mechanics, electronics, and engineering. Viewing them has allowed me to witness the inner workings of many things I may never get to see, like how computers are made, what it takes to build bridges and buildings, and how machines and equipment have evolved over time into what we know today. Since I have started watching them, they have only further ignited my love for engineering. In school, I always excel in math and science courses, especially the problem solving. Math and science have always interested me, which is why I have gone above and beyond the required math and science courses and have taken honors and AP classes when available. I have taken four extra courses, including AFM (Advanced Functions and Mathematics), Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, and Physics. I have also chosen several engineering-related electives that involve construction and a different field other than civil engineering; Aerospace and Carpentry. I chose these courses not only because

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