Why I wan an MBA

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Why I Want an MBA There are many reasons in my life that has helped me to decide “Why I Want an MBA?” How much education I obtain is fulfilling a personal goal that I set for myself a very long time ago, even though it has taken me some years to get there. First and foremost, it is very important for me to be a good role model, and an inspiration to my children and grandchildren; and to ensure that they understand that education leads to many successes in life. I have always believed in leading by example. Also, the changes in this global economy, along with my age and job security are some other reasons for my decision. Being able to influence and heighten my family members to aspire to greater and better things that life has to offer is very important to me, and I know that getting a good quality education will open more doors for them to be successful. In 1966, the late, great singer/composer, James Brown, had a hit song entitled “Don’t Be a Drop-Out” which has influenced me throughout my life. The global economy, as it changes from day-to-day, dictate that the skills and knowledge I possess today will be null and void tomorrow, unless I continue my education. Therefore, being an older and non-traditional student has made me realize how competitive the job market is in this global workforce. By obtaining my MBA and maybe entering a doctoral program, is something I must also do to ensure my success in today’s workforce. The job I have now depends upon writing a grant proposal and getting it funded through the federal government every four years, but the federal government can stop funding this program in a moment’s notice. And because of this, the advantages for me getting an MBA outweighs the scarifies I have to make to get an MBA. As far as the advantages to obtaining an MBA, according to Conde (n.d.) are: “the opportunity to increase ones salary,

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