Why I Travel

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Why I travel! “Every trip offers a surprise and every surprise adds a piece to my mental picture-puzzle of the world.” Travelling offer you excitement and will be full of surprises. In the essay “Why I travel” by Don George we are told about his need of, love and passion for travelling. When you are travelling to a foreign country, you learn about its people, culture, language and so much more. Every time you travel, you get another piece to your own personal picture puzzle. “I love learning about the physical diversity of the world…” Travelling shows you the different landscapes all around the world, it shows you how different each country is from its neighboring country and the other countries around the world. Furthermore, some people might judge the book by its cover, meaning that for instance people who does not like snow might not travel to Canada because they compare snow with Canada, even though they have a lot more than just snow. “I love learning about the creative diversity of the world…” When you travel, you often do it for the experience and not the cultural things that the country has. You might think that museums and so on is boring and not worth spending time on. For example In Denmark, we have The Little Mermaid and H.C. Andersen that you might know and therefore find a visit more appealing. If your mother has read to you from a very early age from books by a foreign author and you travel to the country, which the author is from, you automatically prefer to visit an exposition about the author, than a random museum. “I love learning about the cultural diversity of the world…” Do you live in the wealthy part of the world? Have you ever visited one of the poorest countries in the world? The difference between our opportunities and theirs both educational, way of life and “And finally I love learning about the human diversity of the

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