Why I Love Pakistan

575 Words3 Pages
Why Do I Love Pakistan Why Do i Love Sitting in my room, with lavender colored walls neighboring me giving me sensations of peace and beauty, I remember my home town back in Russia, streets full of blissful kids playing in the streets, laughs, and voices echoing in my mind like a forgotten dream. Tears come to my brimming eyes and my heart longs for the youth that will never come back or repeat itself. I will never forget my memorable childhood home and the neighborhood, where I grew up, lost my first tooth, and made my first friends. I was born in Moscow, the huge city in Russia. Growing up in a family of seven, I was free to explore every corner and every field. My home was more on the edge of the city our house stood surrounded by friendly neighbors they invited the kids in for cookies and milk every afternoon. On pleasant evenings the neighbors met collectively by the lofty evergreen tree and chattered about every day life. The neighborhood was quiet except for the ringing voices of children and thundering footsteps on the pavement as they played their favorite games. There were no clamors of passing cars or soaring planes in the calm air. I was surrounded by natural beauty of the environment, the sweet air smelling of honey and young grass, and calm breeze blowing through my hair and bouncing of my hot skin, sending cool pleasure through my body as I ran and played with my friends. Turning my memory to the yard, I once again look at the peaceful settings. Marina was the same stature as me, and she had a full head of shadowy brown hair; she was quick at every thing, running, playing and every thing else. Finishing up the quick breakfast I ran in to the bright, lucid morning to amuse myself with my friends. Her piercing laugh would echo thru the air and scare of the perching birds of the trees. Lena, my best friend lived next door to me she was the same age
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