Why I Love Music

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Everyone experiences certain moments where you want to express yourself in a different way and sometimes music is the best companion during those moments. Sometimes you just want to lie down, listen to your favorite music and just forget the world. We all just want to relax and take our minds away from our problems even for just a little while. Music is anyone’s way. Anyone’s way to express, to relax, to enjoy, to communicate and many more. It is hard to define music but it is easy to give meaning to it. There are some who tried to define music. This is an example of a simple explanation: According to Webster's II: New Riverside University Dictionary, music is "the art of arranging tones in an orderly sequence so as to produce a unified and continuous composition". The first definition of music is literal because it talks about tones and composition which is truly about music. The best definition for me is this: “An art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.” I don’t know who said that but this definition has all the important words coming all together and constructing a simple yet concise definition of music. “Common rhythm notation began around the year 1200” As time passes by, other elements add to that common rhythm, maybe like more tones, more notes, words, and other more. Today, you cannot even count music and songs there were. These music and songs come in different variations, types, kinds and genres. Examples of types of music are national, religional, secular and others. Secular type of music has sub-types, which are called genres. Some examples of genres are Rock, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Country, Jazz, Pop, Ballad, Country, RnB, Alternative, Rap, Hip-hop, and many more. Different people love different types and genres of music. Music, like people, has individuality. It

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