Why I Am the Best Candidate for Fulbright Scholarship

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Long term success in the field of micro and SME financing will be defined as creation of a number of micro and SME financing instruments that will help less fortunate segments of the society by improving their standard of living in a sustainable manner. My 10 year career goal is to work as a lending expert, and design micro and SME financing instruments that are affordable for, and suited to the distinct needs of the Pakistani market. Since long-term goals are best achieved when broken down into shorter goals, I have divided this ultimate career objective into several short-term goals. Over the next two years I plan to attain a specialized degree in finance from a reputable university in the western hemisphere. Upon completion of this degree, I plan to work for an international micro and SME financing establishment for five years which will give me hands-on experience that will eventually help me in starting my own micro and SME financing firm. My admission in the undergraduate program in Business Administration at NUST Institute of Management Sciences (NIMS) was the first step towards the achievement of my career objective. The three years spent at NIMS equipped me with the ability to comprehend and implement all concepts related to my academic skills including financial modeling, portfolio management, and valuation of companies etc. My business acumen has been developed by courses such as International Financial Management, Risk Management and Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Although I grew tremendously during my undergraduate degree, it wasn’t until I wrote my MBA paper titled ‘Microfinance – An Effective Instrument for Poverty Alleviation’ that I realized the immense opportunities presented by micro and SME financing especially for an underdeveloped economy like Pakistan. Evidence from millions of clients around the world demonstrates that access

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