Why I Admire My Dad

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by: Thomas Mulkey This is my essay about why, I admire my Dad. The reason I picked my Dad instead of someone else is because she is a relative of mine. Instead of picking a famous person I would rather pick someone more close too me. Also I don't know that many famous people and I don't admire most famous people. Most reasons in this essay are good I cannot think of any that are horrible. Fist Reason I admire my Dad is Because he likes guns, and I do too. We like to shoot guns at the Shooting range. This is not dangerous but it would be if you didn't know how to hold a gun and shoot the right way. This may not seem like a reason I would admire him but I feel a sense of safety when we shoot gun together. This one time when we went to the shooting range we shot a mouser at a target and I almost broke my arm . I shot his 45 caliber gun and it has some kick to and I almost dropped it, I also shoot his 22 rifle a lot. We also enjoy shooting BB guns at cans in the backyard, I have a BB gun Rifle , and a BB gun pistol and a Co2 BB gun Rifle. I also admire him Because he is a Hard working man and pays his bills on time, He owns his own businessman he works with many companies too fix the problems with their computers. He works out of his garage and uses his computer too remote in too a customer's computer. The reason he does this is Because some of his customers live in may different parts of Ohio and sometimes other states. He mostly does service calls with his other employee Steve. He does many things on the service calls to other places he fixes routers and Computers (inside computer) and fixes many thing inside of them. I admire him for this because he is a networking engineer and he can fix mostly anything that has to do with networking and some other things that don't have to do with networking such as : Cars , Phones , and building projects and so forth.
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