Why Humans Are Different Comparing All Other Animals?

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Introduction: Human beings and animals almost have everything in common like breeding, having thoughts, knowledge. But Why & What makes human being evolved different? Why a human being a being. Why don’t we call monkey beings and dog beings? Human Evaluation: As we all know (per Charles Darwin) struggle for existence and natural choice of selection made human to think more with reasoning and analysis ( back bone of reasoning and analysis “WHY”) which intern separated human beings from all other animals. This is completely natural selection. Why mankind is unique among all other creatures? It is completely natural selection but why? 1) Creativity: Per Anthropology and research proves that sophisticated works of art first appeared in the fossil record about 50,000 years ago, at the time that modern’s humans first appeared. No other species of animal, including the apes, are able to create and understand images of art and drawing. 2) Consciousness: Human consciousness is a mystery despite decades of effort by philosophers and neurophysiologists; no one has been able to come up with a remotely plausible explanation of ‘Why’ this happens and ‘How’? 3) Personality: Another thing that makes humans unique is personality. According to Joseph LeDoux, a neuroscientist at New York University: "We have no idea how our brains make us who we are. There is as yet no neuroscience of personality. We have little understanding of how art and history are experienced by the brain. The meltdown of mental life in psychosis is still a mystery. In short, we have yet to come up with a theory that can pull all this together." 4) Abstract Thinking: Humans constantly invoke unobservable phenomena and variables to explain “why” certain things are happening. Conclusion: As per the research it was observed that “There are two changes in the gene's 118 DNA and another

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